sprayology brain power
Helps relieve the symptoms of an unfocused or tired mind including:
- short-term memory lapses
- confused thinking
- difficulty in making decisions
- lack of concentration
Recommended for: people wanting a natural brain boost for their tired,
aging and overworked mind.
1.38oz | 41mL
FDA regulated homeopathic remedy that quickly and naturally helps strenthen focus and concentration
Trouble Remebering Names, People, Words + Daily Events. Phosphoricum a (Phosphoric Acid) - treatment for impaired memory,loss of ideas and an inability to collect one’s thoughts (confusion) Baryta carb (Witherite or White Crystals) - helps decrease a tendency to forget well-known names or a difficulty in recollecting past events Hamamelis (Witch Hazel) - a general treatment for forgetfulness Calcarea phos (Calcium Phosphate) - for forgetfulness
Confused Thinking Phosphoricum ac (Phosphoric Acid) - treatment for impaired memory, a loss of ideas and an inability to collect one’s thoughts (confusion) Arnica (Leopard’s Bane) - treats confusion and feelings of vertigo
Difficulty in Making Decisions Phosphoricum acidum (Phosphoric Acid) - treatment for impaired memory, a loss of ideas and an inability to collect one’s thoughts (confusion)
Lack of Concentration Baryta carb (Witherite or White Crystals) - helps relieve unfocused concentration Calcarea phos (Calcium Phosphate) - assists weak concentration, especially after feelings of grief or being upset Hamamelis (Witch Hazel) - encourages a desire to study Ginkgo- Promotes concentration and energy