sprayology hair+ nail tonic
Promotes healthy, beautiful hair and nails while relieving symptoms including:
- dull, slow growing hair
- dry scalp
- brittle nails
Recommended for: those who want to achieve healthy hair and strong nails
safely and naturally.
1.4oz | 44mL
FDA regulated homeopathic remedy that promotes healthy, beautiful hair + nails.
Dull, Slow Growing Hair Thyroidinum (Thyroid extract) - supports vibrant, healthy hair growth Phosphoricum ac (Phosphoric Acid) - helps protect against gray or thinning hair Urtica ur (Nettle) - promotes detoxification, supporting more lustrous hair
Dry Scalp Hepar suis (Liver extract) - protects against liver toxicity, which can leave skin dry Glandula suprarenalis - supports capillary nutrition, protecting against hair loss Nat mur (Sodium chloride) - support for healthy hair follicles; treatment for dry skin, especially on the margins of the scalp Riboflavinum (Vitamin B-2) - helps maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails; necessary for normal cell growth
Healthier Nails Riboflavinum (Vitamin B-2) - helps maintain healthy nails; necessary for normal cell growth Thuja - Treatment for brittle nails and nails that become too soft.