I’m looking towards the new year with fresh eyes, with 20/20 vision.
I like this statement, the play on words, the thought of this, of the new year being crystal clear. It’s like my new year has propaganda: 2020 – The year with 20/20 vision!
I can see the signs staked in people’s front yards now!
But instead 2020 seems foggy. Unclear. Like I’m holding a lantern and I can only see a few steps in front of me and the path ahead is dark, I can’t see it.

I’ve decided that this is not necessarily a bad thing. And because I’m a perpetual glass half full, glad to even have a glass type of gal – I’m gonna find a way to feel comfortable in the ‘darkness’.
I’ve got two important things on my side: Belief + Manifestation.
I believe I manifest my life. Even when the outlook is not clear. Heck, especially when the outlook is not clear.
Belief is our willingness to greet the unseen forces that surround us and say— I trust. I trust that I am being cared for. I trust that there is a wider plan. I trust that there is more than I can see, and that no matter how dark it gets, I trust the light will come back to me.
The power of belief is stronger than we realize. Our level of belief determines how likely we are to create a specific outcome for ourselves. No matter what effort we put into manifesting something, if we don’t 100% believe it will happen, we will have difficulty creating it.
I walk by the ocean daily, it’s my form of meditation. I find I have THE best, most creative and beautiful thoughts on my walk back home. Having no notebook or phone with me, often by the time I get home they’ve flittered away. The one below stuck; I actually can’t get it out of my mind:
Manifesting is the act of scooping out the sand (noise, doubt, fear etc) thus allowing in and focusing on the water of life (love, faith, belief, courage) as it flows inward.
And its always flowing. Its always ready to come in. You just have to make a little space for it.

So for me, even if the my vision ahead is not well lit and I’m not quite sure which steps to take. I have faith that my friends - belief + manifestation will be my lantern in the fog, they’ll light my way.
Who needs 20/20 vision anyways, I’ll get myself a cute pair of readers.
Join me in my favorite NYE ritual:
You'll need:
Pencil + paper (Flying Wish Paper)
Incense, sage, or Palo Santo (Yea we've got that too!)
Candle or fire (Skeem or Red Flower Palo Santo candle)
Clay mug with water or tea: (Tea Forte collection of mugs and teas)
Gem, crystal or stone (Mhmm we've have it all)
Mineral salts (Kerstin Florian Mineral Wellness Soak or Lotus Wei Flower Essence Bath Salt)
You can find all of these in THE pearl boutique.
Write on the piece of paper briefly what you intend for the coming new year. Write generally - the Universe will bring what is best for you, so it is best not to focus too much on specifics.
Focus on your breathing, calm your mind and soul, and when you feel relaxed and at peace, you may begin.
We’ll engage the elements one by one.
Light incense, ideally sage or Palo Santo for cleansing and healing. Breath in the cleansing scent. Deep and long inhales and exhales.
Say: “I give my thanks for all that I have - with air I cleanse the past to prepare for a prosperous new year”
Let the incense fill the air as you allow any negativity or heavy energy to dissipate. Visualize a bright, warm light around you, growing ever brighter and more colorful with every breath.
Think or say aloud: “Thank you.”

Light a candle or if you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace - create a fire.
As you light the candle, contemplate what you have been through in the past year, and focus on releasing any energy baggage you may be carrying, disintegrating it through the transforming fire; then visualize the fire bringing energy and spark to your future.
Say: “I give my thanks for all that I have, with fire I ignite the future to prepare for an abundant new year.”
Leave the candle or fire burning until you have finished the ritual.
“Thank you.”
Cup your hands around your clay mug, filled with water or tea and sit with it, allowing your energies to merge and blend with those of the water. Fill your heart with gratitude for water, its purifying and life-giving properties.
Raise the mug and say: “I give my thanks for all that I have with water I vitalize the myself and my future to prepare for a new year that flows forward mindfully.”
Drink the water. Pay close attention to the feeling of it in your body, cleansing, reviving, energizing.
“Thank you.”
Take the piece of paper you wrote your intentions for the new year and wrap it around your stone, gem or crystal, which will assist in manifesting your wishes.
Hold it in your hands and say: “I give my thanks for all that I have - with earth I manifest my wishes to welcome a new year rooted in desires from my authentic self.”
“Thank you.”
Close your NYE ritual by soaking your feet or by immersing your body completely in a mineral rich tub soak.
This soak brings together all the elements of this ritual – the warm steamy life giving air, the light spreading fire of your candle, the nurturing and revitalizing water and finally the minerals that nourish your body with your intention filled stone or gem nearby to nourish your mind and soul.
While soaking, spend time visualizing your wishes and intentions. Feel the calm + joyous energy fill you. Hold on to that feeling as you close the ritual, thanking the elements for their presence and assistance and move into the new year. Healthy, well + ready.
P.S. This ritual can be performed New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day…should you still wish to partake in the champagne and glittery dress ritual. ;)
Warm wishes for a happy new year!
